

The book of Hebrews fulfils the requirement of 1 Timothy ch2:v6 where Paul states that he will testify thet Jesus had given Himself as a ransom for many. Written by Timothy from Italy, it is possible that the teaching in the epistle is second hand from Paul rather than of his own dictation or penmanship. The epistle builds this foundation from the law upon which God has chosen to reveal Himself in greater degrees of perfection towards His people. By numerous allegories Paul shows that the old testament system of sacrifices are a shadow of the reality now in Christ, and Israel the people of God is translated to those that hold faith in Christ under the grace of God only, not after the keeping of the law. There is no "church" but only a remnant of faithful Israel, a spiritual nation under a law of faith.

Again, you will require an open bible as I will not be including the verses. Enjoy!

Hebrews Chapters 1-7

Chapter One
We are shown that Christ is God in this first chapter, far superior to any angel and only Christ is worthy of worship, being the very person of God Himself. There could truthfully be no other to fulfill the new testament and ministry of Jesus Christ perfectly. And God does not do things imperfectly.

Chapter Two
Paul goes on to describe why we should take diligence to preserve the gospel, and states that since God is willing to die to save men to make them the Father's children, we should consider this of great importance.

Chapter Three
Paul writes that believers should be diligently maintaining their own faith as well as the faith of others so that we hold to the true gospel of Jesus Christ - for a different gospel is from a different fulfilment, and a different God. We would then be counted as unbelieving with any other sinners in error. We would be as the old testament people of Israel were in the provocation, refusing to enter in to a covenant that we had sworn ourselves to obey. What are we obedient in overall? Faith.

Chapter Four
This chapter continues on comparing the election by grace with the provocation in the wilderness. How that the whole nation of Israel could not enter in because of the unbelief of some. (Still, the faithful will enter in), therefore some rest must remain to be given by God to men, for he had not given it them at the provocation.

Chapter Five
This chapter goes on to introduce Christ as a high priest over the faithful after the example of Melchizedec, and not after the service to the works of the law that was the appointment of Aaron and the levites. The law is a signpost to the arrival of Christ, and Christ fashioned it; and not that it had fashioned Christ. Thus is the law finished: for we can be fashioned as creations of God even as the law was. (If we show we are willing like Christ was, even to death).

Chapter Six
This chapter begins the exploration into the perfection of God that was shown by the law, not starting with the doctrine of Christ, but in the oath of God to Abraham that His rest will be entered into by the faith of those that are obedient to Him.

Chapter Seven
This chapter establishes that the law of Moses could not make perfect those that would attempt to keep it. But that God in swearing Christ is a priest for ever establishes a new law with this new priesthood. And by doing so, swears that it will be a perfect priesthood that will last forever.

Hebrews Chapters 8-13

Chapter Eight
Paul summarises so far, and establishes that the old testament priestly ordinances are but a shadowy representation of the true ministries of Christ before God. We should not pattern Christ's ministry after the pattern of the old, but rather interpret the old based on the reality of the new. The old testament ordinances are an imperfect representation, it therefore shows that we should show some caution.

Chapter Nine
Paul shows how the old testament ordinances of sacrifice are patterns or shadows of the true reality of Christs ministry and the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit, that the body of Christ is holy, sanctified once and for all to the cleansing of the conscience and the remission of sins which are known under the law of the first covenant.

Chapter Ten
This chapter lays down the uniqueness of Christ's obedient sacrifice - and te meaning of the sealing of the covenant with blood, once and for all. Just what this means for the believer - under grace - is evidenced by the nature of the ministry of the Holy Spirit: for there is evident contradiction in falling away and returning if one has tasted of the fullness of God.

Chapter Eleven
As with the ages that have gone past, so faith has developed; not necessarily by substance but by example. As men of faith have lived and their acts have been recorded by the word of God we are sealed with many examples of the merits of faith and obedience. After so many examples we see the building of the people of God into Christ's body - which is the finished work of God in forming the elect of His people.

Chapter Twelve
Paul writes on the grace of God, and exhorts the reader not to continue in sin, to frustrate the grace of God. By breaking the sealing of the covenant one crucifies Christ twice - but more evidently were falling away enough to prove a person reprobate - how would they come back to God reconciled a second time?

Chapter Thirteen
Paul finishes with encouragement for the believers to remain separate from the old covenant israelites, to show that they are a separate body of believers. He also gives some last teaching which he asks them to accept because it is written without lengthy justification.

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