
Philippians Chapter 4

Paul commands them to stand fast then within the ministration of the Holy Spirit to eternal life; (v1) Encourages church leaders to be of the same mind towards the gospel and its hope (v2) also encouraging the reader to help those that aided Paul in the gospel's spread amongst them, they being also saved by God. (v3) To have joy in the salvation of God and its requirements always. (v4) To be assertive with their repentance and good behaviour, (v5) because the Lord tends to their needs and requirements continually by the Holy Spirit. (v6)

Paul asks that they be not behind in repentance (as "careful for nothing") but in every prayer of request make known to God our needs with thanksgiving (for God's grace and when answered). (v6) So that the believers will be reconciled to God, (which is the work of the truth of the gospel) and He with it shall have effect in their inward selves. (v7)

Paul asks them to meditate once more - to be minded of all good things revealed in them by the ministry of the Holy Spirit, (v8) to the end that (as Paul has done) they might keep hold of what they have been taught by both God and Paul. (v9) So they shall continue in the presence of God the Holy Spirit.

Paul was very much filled with joy that the believers at Philippi have once again shown that they have held Paul in their prayers and trust; because they were always so capable but lacked the opportunity. (v10) Not that Paul has any need so vexing presently, being content in any situation. (v11) Paul knows how to stand firm in any amount of trial or excess of grace, having been well prepared for one or the other by experience of plenty and hunger, abundance and need. (v12) He is capable to spread the gospel as always through the grace of God by Jesus Christ that strengthens his resolve. (v13) However Paul commends them for taking his bonds into consideration; as a requirement for them to show their support. (v14) (c.f v10)

Paul states that when he started the gospel's teaching and went from Macedonia, no fellowship ever asked him concerning giving and receiving but the believers at Philippi only (v15) - for even when he was far off they sent gifts of requirement to Paul in every time of need; (v16) not because Paul ever required gifts for himself or his own labour - but desires they give so that the gospel is spread freely without charge and the believers might share in the increase of the body of Christ as if it is their own work. (v17) Paul however thanks them that He has received their gift in full and has no lack, the gift being sent with Epaphroditus, (whom he returned) the gift is well received and is put to the trust of God's work. (v18)

Paul answers that God in kind shall supply their every need according to His purposes for them in their eternal life by Jesus Christ to His greater Glory. (and also from the gift itself) (v19).

Paul finally gives glory to God the Father, (v20) gives greetings from all saints, his fellow labourers in the gospel, (v21) and all his recent converts - especially those in Caesar's palaces. (v22) He lastly alludes to the trinity by grace (the Holy Spirit) of the Lord Jesus Christ, completing the praise to God the Father earlier in v20. (v22)

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