
The Paradigm Shift To Identity

Rather than describe how one could exit the dialectic process (just leave the room and resist the group's outcome) the paradigm shift to identity in the dialectic itself can only be the removal from one fixed view to a string of others; each of which is continually removed from the table. However the fourth dialectic in the series would invalidate the series of construction by making an ambiguity between the element common in synthesis and the element that is 'absorbed' and thus taken off the table.

The fourth balance we have elsewhere stated is "Death" to which "Hell" follows after. Hell is the place of the "lust of the eyes, of the flesh and the pride of life" that ensures that the process is "titillating". Even with clear contradiction inherant in the process itself the method moves on before anyone has noticed the facts have been disposed with.

As it stands, the dialectic method is supposed to reach a series of successive syntheses that "converge" to some principle that can be agreed upon: For this to occur we must find an equivalence between the "wine" and the "oil", but this is only found in the contradiction of the remaining fourth dialectic balance. It is then true that "Death" as we know it, is both initiator and outcome of the process; that what is agreed upon (as pale horse) is actually the titillation of the senses in the form of "Hell", and is not (ever) a logical outcome.

However the 'flesh' itself does not provide a unity element - it simply ensures that the process continues indefinitely ("do as thou wilt") without ever reaching a contradiction. The flesh does not care for facts, only pleasure and avoiding pain. (Accepting a truth against ones own views (as contradiction) is pain also.)

The paradigm shift to identity is in effect the rejection or uptake of this process of the dialectic - the shift from the flesh and its "lusts" to the position of unity is in the moment someone wakes up. The fourth balance of "Death" has as its own 'unity' the wine of the previous balance - to stay within the system in that case is to be "Death", or to be double minded and simply present for the continuing of the process rather than raising objection to it.

The "Death" identity is also that of the "beast". Death takes its stance in the role of facilitator - or rather the party that introduced the method to a group (a church say registering for tax-free status in the manner demanded by government) What is introduced is the process of the balances. In their three overarching forms (of the first three seals of revelation), what we then see is that the "Death" of the process is exported to new pastures in order for it to preserve itself. (it can not reveal itself to be false)

We see this exported as "wine" from elsewhere brought into a new setting immediately as it were first "oil" to be agreed upon and the process begin new. The promises of satan - that this process will make us "as gods" in deciding for ourselves good and evil; once taken up in a church is the beginning of the end for that fellowship. Promises of great growth or unity in the faith are secondary to the uptake of the process itself. Whilst the process is sinful in the extreme - the temptation to drink "the wine of the wrath of her fornication" is not apparent to these folks at first, they have become careless:

The introduction of the mark of the beast is then the bringing of this process into the temple of God; Death brings in the process in full knowledge that it is itself inconsistent with scripture and the process of carnality aside from the truth of absolute fixed views (such as scripture) is perpetuated. "Death" introduces the system and "Hell" ensures it sticks. "Death" then is either rejected when someone repents, or is exported when someone delights in the process itself.

In that sense without knowing, the churches have made "A covenant with Death, and with Hell they are at agreement." Likewise the Lord states "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". The mark of the beast is such that the freedom given a fellowship in their practice of religion is patterned after the world, and the "beast" of the "pale horse" has been given the chief seat at the table.

Bearing the mark of the beast is to introduce or export the process, having the name of the beast is to be exercising freedom of religion in the manner prescribed by government using the process; and to have the number of the beast is to be carnal under the process as "Hell" and later on, under the system of the image made to the beast, which adds "life" to the process in the amalgamation of false doctrine.

Then the paradigm shift to identity is either to become steadfast to the facts of life (the oil in Christ for example, realised in truth in place of the lusts of the flesh) along with the total rejection of the process; or to the identity of "Death" in furthering known deliberate lies solely exported for the purposes of furthering the "Hell" of the sensuous church paradigm (it's association with the beast and its image.) - The promises of satan are welcomed in with open arms in the latter case - we know where, they call themselves the "church".

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