
The Group Dynamic

The dialectic has a long term form rather than a short term one: The result of coveting something is a conjugation of lust and pride whilst the senses are tested by the conscience, a corrupt mechanism itself. In a simple case of raiding the cookie jar, the lust is immediately answered by the taste upon grasping what was smelled or seen. In the long term sense, a lust is only answered by approaching what is coveted and many compromises made in order to approach what is far removed from the present but also coveted.

A lost opportunity to commit evil in the pursuit of that long term goal is itself dialectically, the antithesis to the goal. The synthesis is the ongoing search for that missing piece desired, the search for the missing part of the "god" of the flesh. Whether one considers the conjunction of the dialect as the desire to make a name for ones self as compared to the building of the tower as the disjunction or vice versa; the thesis and antithesis is itself found in the centre of the dialectic balances. (Using the equivalent of logical "OR"). The thesis of power and control to see the project through and the antithesis - any missed opportunity to further the project shows that this so called "Golden age" was far from idyllic.

That all men were geared upon building this tower to "reach unto heaven" is not to covet the sky as their property, rather it is a long term unreachable goal in which the elite could continue the synthesis that was their rule and government and control; In this long term form, God was truly righteous to split the population into small tribes of language. There would be no orders in their ears from those that would covet not the sky; but the reign of what is truly the domain of God and God only, of the truth and the gift of freedom.

The group dynamic then is not one of the vote in this sense of the account of Babel, but of the irrationality of the single voice in the crowd. If something benefits the many, it is never found in an unreachable goal. In the account the tower is to provide a system of mass labour; without any real cause or profit to any but the elite and those in control of water and food etc.

God's words "nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do" should be taken in context. It is not a result of the tower - but that the rule over men will become oppressive and evil. And what is more the point, before God acted, the city threatened no other state's security, as there was no other. There is the rub, that the solution is to create foreign power - to keep governments in a position that they are there to protect the security of the people in order to continue in government.

One could ask whether world government is evil. Well, according to the account - yes, it is. When two wolves and one sheep vote on what to eat for dinner, there is no justice in the group dynamic, as sheep are led and the wolves will take the place of the elite. A single world government is to invite the devil in as a controller "behind the curtain", world powers have been manipulated by satan, and being the first such global power does not make one immune to evil, and the twisting of goals toward evil.

When the group is manipulated into an unreachable goal, there is a phase where the expectation of success in the goal must be present: The promise of a "name in history" is the goal and the tower the means to do so. What was the result is the first establishment of the "ends justifying the means" - a clear exercise in propaganda.

The long term dialectic then is such that anyone seeking to be part of the group must match the group's expectation or must remain apart. The synthesis must be engaged and the new party "aligned" to the group dynamic. The desire of people to have a relationship, a place to live in security and to live near water in a fertile plain is secondary to this initial requirement, which was servitude to the state.

An antithesis, that of a lost opportunity to do evil in pursuit of the goal, is only filled with the bending and breaking of one extra back into the project, rather than the free supply of commerce and barter that one would have expected in coming to the city.

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