
The Seals Opened On The Earth

The seals are clearly upon the book of life, and we have from the scenes of the throne room with the 24 elders the sealing of the 144,000 (the elect.) The elect are seen as it were positions of the unity element in the octal "floating" to any one of seven values in the eight possible groups of multiplication (C7) over the one "sun" octal extended by a factor of 1000 (The millenium of grace.) Thus 24 elders as the "reference" becomes 6x24x1000 = 144,000. (A cycle of the octal represents one year as opposed to the reference "day with the Lord" of 24 elders.) That reference octal has six other (non unity) elements, so enter the 144,000 as 1000 years to that day.

Now, the unsealing of a position of the unity element in the octal - allowing it to float - is seen in the first four seals rather easily, the remaining three values are somewhat more complicated. In effect the first four seals allow those in the book of life to backslide (were it not for the work of the Holy Spirit to predestinate.) And it must be stated those not in the book of life that were always without such restraint (And always operated as it were in the pale horse system) They (fixed in sin) become closer to the elect as the elect are brought closer to that sinfulness of the world, and the elect are tried on the basis of their love for the truth (as fixed unity), and not to mix with the world as if they were "holding to the doctrine of Balaam" etc.

The release of restraint with the seals on the book allow those that would stand on the basis of a fixed truth to compromise with those that have another truth - so that they would kill each other or bargain or agree to disagree. In being permitted to mix with the devices of satan upon the sea of 30 octals, the elect show that they are actually still worldly - unless they hold to a single fixed position.

Now, the strength of the dialectic is in assume a fixed truth may be ignored as if it werean excluded middle, to facilitate the opposing position of antichrist: In the loose of all restraint one is left with a fourth state where the opposing view as composed of three "null" or empty asssumptions leave in the method the fourth position itself contradicted by the dialectic method - for the only truth standing is then sent to null as its three forebears were, and the system contradicts God and truth itself, as well as its own dialectic alternative.

Not much else can be said about the seals, other than the restraint as on the elect is in view - as the seals are loosed on the sun octal, and as a reference we know the elements as "The Father". The seals represent the loosing of restraint on the elect - and not upon the whole world. In respect we se the same devices in the trumpets in or rather crossing one octal to another - in which system the whole world operates and lies in wickedness.

So, the seals are somewhat concurrent with the trumpets - and we may easily align the first three trumpets with the second, third and fourth seals. What follows then is that there is indeed sequence!

The seven churches show the circuit of the least in the kingdom as overcoming the world. The fifth church aligns with the fifth trumpet; and also aligns that church as it were the sixth seal during which period the angel overcomes leading to the seven thunders being utterred and the sixth seal becoming the period of trumpets and wrath completed with the allignment of the rest or sabbath of the seventh of each sequence, (seals, trumps and viols.)

What is then seen is not so much structure - (although it has structure in heptads in abundance) but sequence and not as it is often inferred "a segue" from seals to trumpets, although the trumpets could indeed do so (segue) to the viols - on the last day. The seals are occurrent as Jesus opens them, laying bare the record of whom is the saved - so that Jesus might indeed "come quickly" rather than delay until no flesh might be saved. (For if the book is opened, such a three stage segue is a "delay" and God indeed hurries to that day, as a perfect Father should.)

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