
The Book Of Acts I

In order of appearance in Acts, here are some of the things which I have read through and either merely accepted as quirks of different writer's perspectives, or missed the significance of them. In doing this I laid myself open to replying "when asked" about contradictions, that the books were written by "men". Clearly spurting the rubbish that they were not authored by God Himself. Although the Gospels are in agreement on examination, the book of Acts has content that all too easily falls into this category. Using these to claim fallacy in the scriptures is an all too often occurence nowadays, when much of it is easily explained. Other content here I all too often missed when I read through Acts myself - and never picked up on it for years.

The first thing to stand out in Acts concerns the death of Judas Iscariot. - Did he hang himself, or did he trip and bust open his Gut? Well, he hanged himself. He fell a full height and his head came off spilling huge quantity of blood and his stomach - unrestrained by his head, drained out. Not too hard to explain now, was it?

Next, when the Holy Spirit comes on the believers, they see cloven tongues of fire surrounding them. For the longest time I thought this was the Holy Spirit. Well, it isn't. When Jesus baptises with fire, he does not do so with the Holy Spirit, and vise-versa. That which sat on them in the verse is stated to as singular - and more likely refers to the wind, than the plural of the fire. That the Holy Ghost would reveal to them that outside their small gathering, they are surrounded by those who rejected Christ, is more likely. The analogy of serpents is not too hard to miss here. Perhaps it, (i.e. the flames) is the curse of Death and Hell being restrained from entering into and falling upon them?

Again we see the prophecy of the darkened sun and blood moon. The sun has always been the center of any religion of the time, representing the glory of any god, as well his protection and the reason for superstition in astrology. The moon on the other hand reflects this light - signifying the body of worshippers. Why would the sun be darkened if these contrary superstitions work against the gospel? IF all opposition is gone - wouldnt God be pleased? Why then bring his judgement?
Satan, as god of this world would destroy faith in all religions to counter any true gospel. That the moon is blood red signifies paraphrasing: "That all the righteous blood shed since Abel should come upon their heads." This speaks of a world that persecutes all faith, as equally worthless.

The prophecy that Christ would not leave his servant "In death" here is not just evidence of resurrection, but also of Christ's own death. By going into the grave, he brings out those to be resurrected with him. - At least for once the phrase "not left behind" has some merit. In this, David praises that he is revealed the "ways of life" - not necessarily a path to take, but a revealing that life is not some cruel joke without salvation

"The stone that the builders rejected has become the head of the corner" - Such a stone is either too small for purpose or is far too angular and cannot be used for a "brick" in a wall. When the building is complete the stone then forms a perfect addition for mounting at the very top. Like a small angular stone used to cap a pyramid, or for a decorative pillar on the corner of a wall. I believe the latter to be the better explanation, as two walls meet in a corner - and there is no Jew or Gentile in Christ.

I read here that by considering themselves worthy to suffer shame, this does not mean that likewise, people should be proud to be beaten or persecuted. Though these occur often in Acts - there is nothing to be happy about being tortured. Rather the apostles were glad because they were well known as followers of Christ, and that by their beating they would not bring Christ's name into disrepute as a member of the criminal classes. Since their good reputation allowed them to accept the beating without wronging Jesus name - they were glad on this, not the beating. Flagulation is just a heresy to me.

Another great prophecy from the OT about the death and necessary resurrection of Christ. As Christ is the judge of the living and the dead, because he was killed, he must be raised again. Since by raising himself from the dead, God declares He will Himself judge, and He may declare His "generation" (His saved) from his judgement. When later the NT states that for there to be a new covenant - there must needs be the death of the testator, this prophecy spells out why. In order to accept Christ as worthy to judge, he must have died to fulfill the prophecy. Of course, and also to declare His judgment also, as well as the salvation in His judgment. For there to be "a generation", through his testation Christ died and was raised.

Just a quick note that this verse as well as several others, is missing from the NIV. (Though the numbering is unaltered)

Paul was every bit a pharisee. By persecuting rigorously christian jews for breaking Moses' law, It is comforting to note that this verse not only echoes that Paul should suffer many hardships - it is not a punishment. "Suffer" also meaning "to allow" speaks plainly here that instead of straining at a gnat, Paul will preach great freedom from the law,. opposing bringing the Gentiles under the law of Moses. For Jesus' name sake, Paul will grant more freedom for foreigners than for his own people. Can you see the miracle in that situation? I can and do so.

The vision of Peter before he first visited the gentiles does not speak of bacon being good for food, or that prawns are now clean. God does not reply to Peter to state that all is clean. He merely speaks that "What He has made clean" should not be called common. Also, Peter speaks of common AND unclean. God makes no mention that the unclean is now clean, but that which He has cleaned is now not common. The lesson here is that clean and unclean are mixed together, and it is not for anyone to judge what was once common and what is still unclean.The salvation of God is to all, but not in all. It is unworthy to "feel" all is clean, as well as only those you may choose for yourself as clean.

Continue to the next page which concerns the more practicable doctrine in Acts, rather than the spiritual.

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